
UnC charlotte violence Prevention Center

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Violence is preventable. A public health approach to violence prevention must be multidisciplinary to respond successfully to various violence-related sequelae. The UNC Charlotte Violence Prevention Center (VPC) researches violence prevention approaches using a multidisciplinary social-ecological model (SEM). Aligned with UNC Charlotte’s commitment to urban health issues, the VPC serves not only as a hub for research but also collaborates with academic, public, government partners, and policymakers to identify solutions to violence in our community, nation, and globe. The Center serves as a resource for transformative research, training, and technical assistance for communities, policymakers, and the public.

Our team

The VPC utilizes expertise in public health, social work, psychology, criminal justice, and urban health to approach violence prevention from a multidisciplinary social-ecological perspective. Team members leverage knowledge and skills related to multiple violence types (e.g., intimate partner violence, sexual assault, gun violence, human trafficking, suicide); vulnerable populations (e.g., Black youth, sexual and gender minority, military, couples); and methodologies (e.g., qualitative, quantitative, social media, dyadic).

Postdoctoral fellow

The UNC Charlotte Violence Prevention Center is hiring a Postdoctoral Fellow, to begin August 2024. The position will primarily report to Dr. Annelise Mennicke (Social Work), with co-mentorship provided from other VPC affiliated faculty. 

Education & Training

Suicide Prevention Course Spring 2024

Dr. Robert Cramer is offering an interprofessional studies course on approaches to suicide prevention in Spring 2024.