
Our research findings are disseminated through a range of publications that reflect our dedication to advancing the field of violence prevention.

  • Listed by year and alphabetically by first author.
  • Bolding indicates VPC faculty.
  • indicates VPC trainees.

In Press

  • Alexander, A.A. (in press). Off the shelf and into the community: Advocacy and public scholarship. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry.
  • Dahl, A.A., Cramer, R.J., Gemberling, T., Wright, S., Wilsey, C.N., Bowling*, J., & Golom, F.D. (In press). An examination of identity, community involvement, coping, and mental health among BDSM-practicing adults. Psychology & Sexuality.
  • Rasmussen, S., Martin, B., & Cramer, R.J. (In press). A multi-dimensional evaluation of impulsivity and suicidal behaviour among adults living in the United Kingdom. Archives of Suicide Research.
  • Richardson, S. C., & Gunn, L. (In press). Investigating psychosocial and environmental risk factors for suicidality among Black middle-school adolescents: An intersectionality approach. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.


  • Baker, J.C., Cacace, S., Cramer, R.J., Rasmussen, S., Martin, C., May, A.M., Thomsen, C., Bryan, A.O., & Bryan, C.J. (2024). Entrapment in the military context: Factor structure and associations with suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior.
  • Basinger, E.D., Jones Cameron, S., & Allen, G. (2024). Stigma, self-care, and intuitive eating in Black Americans with Type 2 Diabetes. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. 11, 3163-3171.
  • Bérdi, M., Bálint, M., Kacim El Hassani, S., Kisdi, G., Safrankó, D, & Cramer, R.J. (2024). Assessing and managing suicide risk: A competency-based approach and a training plan. Part II. Pszichoterápia (Psychotherapy; Hungarian Journal).
  • Bérdi, M. & Cramer, R.J. (2024). Improving skills and knowledge: Adapting a core competencies suicide risk assessment training program to support mental health professionals in Hungary. European Psychiatry.
  • Bryant, W.T., Lange, T.M., Hilgeman, M.M., Bishop, T.K., Santa Ana, E.J., & Cramer, R.J. (2024). A clinician-based treatment fidelity tool for PRIDE in all who served. Translational Issues in Psychological Science.
  • Cacace, S., Smith, E., & Benson, J.K. (2024). Item-level psychometric properties of the conformity to masculine norms inventory (CMNI-46): An item response theory analysis. Psychology of Men & Masculinities.
  • Cain, S.M., Rooney, E.A., Cacace, S., Post, A., Russell, K., Rasmussen, S., Baker, J.C., & Cramer, R.J. (2024) Adverse and benevolent childhood experiences among adults in the United Kingdom: A latent class analysis. BMC Public Health.
  • Cantone, J.A., Alexander, A.A., Fountain, E.N., Woolard, J.L., & Levett, L.M. (2024). Improving graduate education in legal psychology: Early career psychologists’ recommendations on diversity, debt, and applying legal psychology in the real world. Law and Human Behavior, 48(4), 299–314.
  • Chang, C.J., Nobles, M.R., Cramer, R.J., Hill, R.M., ‡Robertson, R.A., & Feinstein, B.A. (2024). A latent class analysis of non-suicidal self-injury and associations with construct from the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide in a sample of sexual minority young adults. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. doi:10.1521/jscp.2024.43.1.50
  • Chaparro Rucobo, A.J., & Alexander, A.A. (2024). Public perceptions of feminicide and the feminist movement in Mexico. Politics & Policy.
  • Cho, G.Y., Martell, C., & Cramer, R.J. (2024). Ethical and practical considerations for mandating suicide prevention training for mental health professionals. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. doi:10.1037/pro0000568
  • Cramer, R.J., Cacace, S., Coffey, A., Kaniuka, A.R., Robertson, R.A., Hazlett, E., & Peiper, L.J. (2024). Latent profiles and psychosocial correlates of persistent self-injury among incarcerated. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. doi:10.1016/j.ijlp.2024.101967
  • Cramer, R.J., Kaniuka, A.R., Tucker, R.P., Hanson, B., Fording, R.C., Robertson, L., Maseah, C., ‡Zabelski, S., & Joiner, T.E. (2024). Social-ecological correlates of social well-being in transgender and gender diverse adults in the United States: Implications for policy, theory and research. Sexuality Research and Social Policy.
  • Cramer, R.J., Nobles, M.N, Rooney, E., & Rasmussen, S. (2024). A psychometric evaluation of the Life Attitudes Schedule-Short Form. Death Studies. doi:10.1080/07481187.2023.2300065
  • Cramer, R.J., Robertson, R.A., Nobles, M.R., Bowling*, J., Cacace, C., Feinstein, B.A., & Rasmussed, S.A., (2024). Entrapment and Defeat Scales: Factor structure assessment and variation by gender and sexual identity among adults in the United Kingdom. Journal of Personality Assessment. doi:10.1080/00223891.2023.2220400
  • Dahl, A.A., Cramer, R.J., Gemberling, T., Wright, S., Wilsey, C.N., Bowling*, J., & Golom, F.D. (2024). Exploring the prevalence and characteristics of self-labelled identity, coping, and mental health among BDSM practicing adults in the United States. Psychology & Sexuality, 15(1), 54-72. doi:10.1080/19419899.2023.2203134
  • Gaub, J. E., & Morabito, M. S. (2024). The endless juggle: Differential effects of the pandemic for criminal justice scholars. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 35(1), 116-135. doi:10.1080/10511253.2022.2160474
  • Hall-Clark, B.N., ‡Zabelski, S., Montanaro, E., Besse, S., & Cramer, R.J. (2024). Adapting trauma-informed interventions for racial trauma considerations: A training model. Practice Innovations. doi:10.1037/pri0000222
  • Kalmbach, K.C., Basinger, E.D., Bayles, B., Schmitt, R., Nunez, V., Moore, B. A., & Tedeschi, R. G. (2024). Moral injury in post-9/11 combat-experienced military veterans: A qualitative thematic analysis. Psychological Services, 21(2), 264–275.
  • Kaniuka, A.R., Nanney, E.M., Robertson, R., Hoff, R., Smith, M., Bowling*, J., Basinger, E.D., Dahl, A.A., & Cramer, R.J. (2024). A grounded theory of sexual and gender minority suicide risk: The SGM Suicide Risk and Protection (SuRAP) model. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. doi:10.1037/sgd0000699
  • Kehn, A., Sorby, M., Nobles, M., Gamblin, B.W., & Cramer, R.J. (2024). Typologies of hate-motivated behavior: A latent class analysis. International Review of Victimology. doi:10.1177/02697580241241806
  • Langhinrichsen-Rohling, J., Montanaro, E., Mennicke, A., & Ybarra, M. (2024). Cybervictimization in relation to self and other protection and response behaviors: A cross-sectional look at an age-diverse national sample. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. doi:10.1177/088626052312255
  • Matheson, L., Rasmussen, S., *Moxie, J., & Cramer, R.J. (2024). A qualitative assessment of reasons for living and dying in the context of feeling trapped among adults in the United Kingdom. Archives of Suicide Research.
  • McMillan, I.F., ‡Brienzo, M.J., Gezinski, L.B, Kaniuka, A., *Moxie, J., Willard, J., Yoder, A., Post, A., Reinken, M., Walker, C., Ortiz, C., & Mennicke, A. (2024). Technology-facilitated abuse among college students: Prevalence and consequences, and examinations by gender and sexual identity. Journal of Interpersonal Violence
  • McMillan, I.F., Langhinrichsen-Rohling, J., Mennicke, A. & Montanaro, E. (2024). Attitude is everything: Examining acceptance of dating violence items for differential item functioning across heterosexual and sexual minority youth. Journal of Interpersonal Violencedoi:10.1177/08862605241243338
  • Mennicke, A.,‡Zabelski, S., ‡Jules, B.N., ‡Haley, G., ‡Mathews, K., Bowling*, J.,‡Peters, A., Montanaro, E.,& Cramer, R.J. (2024). Bystander intervention for problematic alcohol use among graduate and international students: Opportunities and Challenges. Psychology & Health. doi:10.1080/08870446.2024.2342464
  • Montanaro, E., ‡Temple, J., ‡Ersoff, M., ‡Jules, B., ‡Jaliawala, M., ‡Kinkopf, D., ‡Webb, S., Bowling*, J. (2024). “Just lmk when you want to have sex”: An exploratory-descriptive qualitative analysis of sexting in emerging adult couples. Sexes.
  • ‡Ngamasana, E. & Moxie, J. (2024). Cash transfer, maternal and child health outcomes: A scoping review in sub-Saharan Africa. Global Health Action. doi:10.1080/16549716.2024.2309726
  • Ngamasana, E., Zarwell, M., Eberly, L., & Gunn, L. (2024). Difference in physical and mental health by informal caregiving status before and after the COVID-19 National Emergency Declaration Restrictions in the US. SSM Population Health, 25, 101609.
  • Peiper, L.J., Cramer, R.J., Cacace, S.C., ‡Peters, A., Corral, A.R., Post, A.F., ‡Prowten, S.D., & *Moxie, J. (2024). Development and implementation of a self-directed violence prevention training program for correctional behavioral health providers: a clinical trial study protocol. Pilot and Feasibility Studies.
  • Petrizzo, K. & Bowling*, J. (2024). Past experiences and preferences for queer sex education among LGBTQ+ college students. Journal of American College Health. doi:10.1080/07448481.2024.2317173
  • Rasmussen, S., Chandler, J.F., Russell, K., & Cramer, R.J. (2024). A prospective examination of sleep chronotype and future suicide intent among adults in the United Kingdom: A test of the integrated motivational volitional model of suicide. Sleep Medicine.
  • Rasmussen, S., Martin, B., & Cramer, R.J. (2024). Multidimensional impulsivity and suicidal behaviour: A partial test of the Integrated Motivational-Volitional (IMV) Model of Suicide. Archives of Suicide Research.
  • Richardson, S. C., Williams III, J. A., Vance, M., Bennett, M., Stevenson, A. P., & Herbert, R. (2024). Informing equitable prevention practices: A statewide disaggregated analysis of suicide for ethnoracially minoritized adolescents. Prevention Science. doi:10.1007/s11121-024-01654-1
  • Richardson, S. C., & Joe, S. (2024). The Capacity-to-Serve Model as a data-driven process for provider capacity management in outpatient community mental health. Community Mental Health. doi:10.1007/s10597-024-01251-0
  • Ricciutti, N. M. & Davis, W. (2024). Person-first language and addiction literature: The presence of labeling and emotional language in counseling articles. Journal of Addiction & Offender Counseling, 1-14. doi:10.1002/jaoc.12137
  • Ricciutti, N. M. & Zhang, S. (2024). A pilot study of the Behavioral Addictions Knowledge Survey: Ensuring students’ knowledge about process/behavioral addictions. Journal of Addiction & Offender Counseling, 1-16. doi:10.1002/jaoc.12132
  • Robertson, R.A., ‡Mesaeh, C.M., & *Moxie, J. (2024). Non-suicidal self-injury among transgender and gender non-conforming persons: A narrative synthesis. Journal of LGBTQ Issues in Counseling. 18(4), 291–309.
  • Roubanian, G.A., Gaub, J.E., Koen, M.C., Willis, J.J. (2024). Prosecutorial perceptions of discovery reform on a local level. Journal of Qualitative Criminal Justice & Criminology.
  • Russell, K., Hunter, S., Post, A., Rasmussen, S., & Cramer, R.J. (2024). Examining mental health correlates of hate-motivated behaviour in Scotland: An investigation of victims, perpetrators, and victim perpetrators. International Journal of Social Psychiatry.
  • Russell, K., Hunter, S.C., Rasmussen, S., Quirke, A., & Cramer, R.J. (2024) An examination of hate-motivated behavior among adults in Scotland: Victimization, perpetration, and associations with risk factors for self-directed violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
  • Sandrin, R., Simpson, R., & Gaub, J. E. (2024). Working like a dog: A Mixed-method study of public support for police dogs and their utilities. Anthrozoös, 37(5), 939–958.
  • Temple, J., Ferretti, M. L., Reis-Bergan, M., & Irons, J. G. (2024). Initial validity evidence for a measure of transactional sex in a U.S. college student sample. Journal of Sex Research. doi:10.1080/00224499.2024.2302501
  • Todak, N., Gaub, J. E., & White, M. D. (2024). Testing the evidentiary value of police body-worn cameras in misdemeanor court. Crime & Delinquency, 70(4), 1249-1273. doi:10.1177/ 00111287221120
  • Wilsey, C.N., Cramer, R.J., Mishoe, S.C., Golom, F.D., Bennington, L.K., Casey, C.F., & Van Lunen, B. (2024). Development and initial validation of a sexual and gender minority competency-based survey for health service professionals. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 94(1), 99–112. doi:10.1037/ort0000685
  • Wright, C.G., Bowling, J., Platt, J., Carpino, T., Low, A., Mantell, J., Hoos, D., Castor, D., El-Sadr, W., & Greenlead, A.R. (2024) COVID-19 knowledge among sexual and gender minority adults in New York City. LGBT Health.
  • ‡Zabelski, S., Hollander, M., & Alexander, A. (2024). Addressing inequities in access to mental healthcare: A policy analysis of community mental health systems serving minoritized populations in North Carolina. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. doi:10.1007/s10488-024-01344-8


Alexander, A. A., Sower, E., Neal, B., & Schmader, A. (2023). Kink and BDSM awareness in sex offense treatment. Journal of Positive Sexuality, 9(2), 9-14.

Richardson, S. C., Gunn, L. H., Phipps, M., & Azasu, E. (2023). Factors associated with suicide risk behavior outcomes among Black high school adolescents. Journal of Community Health, 1-9.

Alexander, A. A., Sower, E., Klukoff, H., Allo, H., & Mendoza, S. (2023). Childhood polyvictimization as a predictor of psychopathic personality traits in women. Violence and Gender, 10(4), 1-6.

Rasmussen, S., Cramer, R. J., Nascimbene, L., Robertson, R. A., Cacace, S., & Bowling, J. (2023). A qualitative assessment and short‐term mediation analysis of defeat, entrapment, and suicide. Suicide and Life‐Threatening Behavior, 53(5), 880-892.

Cramer, R. J., Hawgood, J., Kaniuka, A. R., Brooks, B., & Baker, J. C. (2023). Updated suicide prevention core competencies for mental health professionals: Implications for training, research, and practice. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice. Advance online publication.

Cramer, R.J., Cacace, S.C., Sorby, M., Adrian, M.E., Kehn, A., & Wilsey, C.N. (2023). A psychometric investigation of the Hate-Motivated Behavior Checklist. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38(7-8), 5638-5660.

Hager, N. M., Cramer, R. J., Kaniuka, A. R., Vandecar-Burdin, T., Badger, N., Holley, A. M., … & Judah, M. R. (2023). An evaluation of the core competency suicide prevention training program for university health service providers. Journal of College Student Psychotherapy37(2), 127-143.

Hilgeman, M. M., Cramer, R. J., Hoch, M. C., Collins, A. N., Zabelski, S., & Heebner, N. R. (2023). A pilot study comparing two measures of perceived health services access among military veterans with musculoskeletal injuries and mental health conditions. Military Medicine188(7-8), e2363-e2372.

Kaniuka, A. R., Bowling, J., Wright, S., Dahl, A. A., Basinger, E. D., Benson, J. K., … & Cramer, R. J. (2023). Psychometric properties of the Brief Resilience Scale among alternative sexuality community members. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 08862605231188055.

Mennicke, A., Bowling, J., Post, A., Benson, K., Willard, J., McMillan, I. F., & Yoder, A. (2023). “Realistic and Inclusive”: A Qualitative Investigation into Recommendations for Responding to Campus Interpersonal Violence Centering LGBTQ+ Voices. Journal of Family Violence, 1-13.

Mennicke, A., Bush, H. M., Brancato, C. J., Haley, G., Meehan, E., & Coker, A. L. (2023). Effectiveness of a bystander intervention program to increase bystander behaviors across latent risk groups of high schoolers. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 39(1-2).

Mennicke, A., Moxie, J., Montanaro, E., Temple, J., Williams, M., Carlson, H., … & Coker, A. L. (2023). A qualitative analysis of student experiences of opportunities and actions for bystander intervention across various levels of threat. Journal of Family Violence, 1-17.

Sower, E., Alexander, A. A., & Klukoff, H. (2023). Public perceptions of castle doctrine and stand your ground cases: Effects of defendant gender. Social Sciences Quarterly, 104(2), 69-80.

Besse, S., Kaniuka, A.R., Zabelski, S., Mennicke, A., Meyer, K., & Cramer. R.J. (2023). The Holistic Prevention & Intervention Model: A public health approach to college mental health and suicide prevention. Journal of American College Health

Before the development of the UNC Charlotte Violence Prevention Center, our team members collaborated on numerous violence prevention-related projects. These published studies include:


Bowling, J., Montanaro, E., Guerrero Ordonez, S., McCabe, S., Farris, S., Saint-Cyr, N., Glaser, W., Cramer, R.J., Langhinrichsen-Rohling, J., Mennicke, A. (2022). Coming together in a digital age: Community Twitter responses in the wake of a campus shooting. PLOS One, 17(2), e0279569.

Bowling, J., Wright, S., Benson, J.K., McCabe, S., Mennicke, A., Willard, J., Kissler, N., Good, H., Moody, B., Stambaugh, R., & Cramer, R. (2022). Disclosing and reporting of consent violations among kink practitioners in the United States. Violence Against Women.

Cacace, S., Smith, E.., Cramer, R.J., Meca, A., & Desmarais, S.L. (2022). Military self stigma as a mediator of the link between military identity and suicide risk. Military Psychology, 34(2), 237-251.

Cramer, R.J., Kaniuka, A.R., Yada, F., Diaz-Garelli, F., Hill, R.M., Bowling, J., Macchia, J.M., & Tucker, R.P. (2022). An analysis of suicidal thoughts and behaviors among transgender and gender diverse adults. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 57(1), 195-205.

Cramer, R.J., Montanaro, E., VanSickle, M., Cacace S., Zabelski, S., Smith, E.L., Franks, M., Grover, S., & Cunningham, C.A. (2022). A psychometric assessment of the Military Suicide Attitudes Questionnaire (MSAQ). Psychiatry Research, 317, 114849.

Kaniuka, A., Cramer, R.J., Wilsey, C.N., Langhinrichsen-Rohling, J., Mennicke, A., Patton A., Zarwell M., McClean, C., Harris, Y., Sullivan, S., & Gray, G. (2022). COVID-19 exposure, stress, and mental health outcomes: Results from a needs assessment among low income adults in central North Carolina. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, 790468.

Kaniuka, A.R., Zarwell, M., Cramer, R.J., Quinn, K. Broaddus, M., Patton, A., & Walsh, J.L. (2022). Perceptions of HIV research participation among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men and transgender/non-binary adults. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 17, 15-28.

Langhinrichsen-Rohling, J., Schroeder, G., Langhinrichsen-Rohling, R., Mennicke, A., Harris, Y-J., Sullivan, S., Gray, G., & Cramer, R. (2022). Couple conflict and intimate partner violence during the early lockdown of the pandemic: The good, the bad, or is it just the same in a low-resource population? Special issue “Aggression and Violent Behavior During COVID-19 to International Journal Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 2608.

Mennicke, A., Montanaro, E., Bowling, J., Tirunagari, A., Williams, M., Jules, B. N., Campbell, S., Carlson, H., Farris, S., McClare, V., Kissler, N., McGonagle, A., Pruneda, P., Haley, G., Meehan, E., McMahon, S., Correia, C. A., Benson, J. K., Willard, J., Post, A., McCabe, S., Coates, A., & Sotiroff, A. (2022). A systematic review of validated U.S.- based bystander intervention-related constructs. Trauma, Violence, and Abuse.

Montanaro, E. A., Bowling, J., Gattuso, J., Gioia, D., Guerrero-Ordonez, S., Joshi, S., Campbell, S., & Harrison, M. (2022). Qualitative analyses of couples’ text messages: Methods reflection. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 21, 16094069221115503.

Montanaro, E., Bowling, J., Farris, S., Scarborough, A., Moody, B., & Rawitz, N. (2022). “Sex as a way to gain some control and relax”: Sexual subjectivity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sexualities, 13634607221097342.

Montanaro, E. A., Bowling, J., Gioia, D., and Guerrero Ordonez, S. (2022). Closeness and distance: Relationships and sexuality during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. Psychology and Sexuality, 13(5), 1366-1380.

Richie, F., Langhinrichsen-Rohling, J., Kaniuka, A., Wilsey, C.N., Mennicke, A., Harris, Y., Sullivan, S., Gray, G., & Cramer, R.J. (2022). Mental health services for all: Factors influencing desire for mental health services among under-resourced adults during COVID-19. Psychological Services.

Zarwell, M., Bowling, J., Gunn, L.H., Kissler, N., McComas, M., Patton, A., Ragunathan, R., & Brown, R. (2022). Collectives for Care: Perspectives of Providers and Community Members in Trans Health Care in a Southern U.S. City.  Journal of Homosexuality.


Bowling, J., Basinger, E., & Montanaro, E. (2021). “Making peace” with bodies and sexual selves: Changes during COVID-19 among adults in the United States. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(21), 11063.

Bowling, J., Montanaro, E., Cramer, R.J., Mennicke, A., Wilsey, C.N., Kaniuka, A.R., Wright, S., Macchia, J.M., Langhinrichsen-Rohling, J., & Heron, K.E. (2021). Gender, sexual orientation, and mental health in the kink community: An application of coping self-efficacy theory. Psychology & Health, 38(4), 478-493.

Bowling, J.Montanaro, E., Guerrero Ordonez, S., Joshi, S., & Gioia, D. (2021). Perceived changes in sexuality during the COVID-19 pandemic among adults in the United States. Sexes, 2(3), 331-344.

Bowling, J.Montanaro, E., Gattuso, J., Gioia, D., & Guerrero Ordonez, S. (2021). “Everything feels risky now”: Perceived “risky” sexual behavior during COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Health Psychology, 27(6),

Mennicke, A., Kaniuka, A., Pruneda, P.,& Cramer, R. (2021). Substance use-related suicide after release from correctional, behavioral health, and healthcare facilities using National Violent Death Reporting System Data. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior.

Zarwell, M., Walsh, J., Quinn, K., Kaniuka, A., Patton, A., Robinson, W.T., & Cramer, R.J. (2021). A psychometric assessment of network level social capital among gender and sexual minority individuals. BMC Public Health, 21, 1918.


Cramer, R.J., Wright, S., Wilsey, C.N, Kaniuka, A.R., Bowling, J., Crocker, T., Langhinrichsen-Rohling, J., Montanaro, E., Mennicke, A., & Heron, K.E. (2020). Alternative sexuality, sexual orientation, and mobile technology: Findings from the national coalition for sexual freedom technology and health enhancement feasibility study. Psychology & Sexuality, 13(2), 344-359.

Cramer, R.J., Langhinrichsen-Rohling, J., Kaniuka, A.R., Wilsey, C.N., Mennicke, A., Wright, S., Montanaro, E., Bowling, J., & Heron, K.E. (2020). Preferences in information processing, marginalized identity, and non-monogamy: Understanding factors in suicide-related behavior among members of the alternative sexuality community. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 3233. 

Mennicke, A. M., Bowling, J., Geiger, E., & Brewster, M. (2020). Disclosure to friends or family on consequences after interpersonal violence: Influence of sexual identity and race. Journal of American College Health, 70(5), 1465-1475.


Bowling, J., Mennicke, A., Blekfeld-Sztraky, D., Simmons, M., Dodge, B., Sundarraman, V., Lakshmi, B., Dharuman, S., & Herbenick, D. (2019). The influences of stigma on sexuality among sexual and gender minoritized individuals in urban India. International Journal of Sexual Health, 31, 269-282.

Mennicke, A. M., Bowling, J., Gromer, J., & Ryan, C. (2019). Factors associated with and barriers to disclosure of a sexual assault to formal on-campus resources among college students. Violence Against Women, 27(2), 255-273.