
Find resources, including measures, toolkits, and best practices, designed to support practitioners, policymakers, and communities in addressing violence. Our resource library is a valuable tool for anyone looking to implement evidence-based strategies in their work.


Hate Crime Beliefs Scale – Short Form

Hate Crime Beliefs Scale-Short Form (PDF)

Associated Articles:

Kehn, A., Kaniuka, A.R., Benson, K., Sorby, M.L., Stornelli, L., & Cramer, R.J. (In Press). Assessing attitudes about Hate: Further development of the Hate Crime Beliefs Scale. Current Psychology.

Hate-Motivated Behavior Checklist (HMBC)

Hate-Motivated Behavior Checklist (PDF)

Associated Articles:

Cramer, R.J., Cacace, S.C., Sorby, M., Adrian, M.E., Kehn, A., & Wilsey, C.N. (2023). A Psychometric Investigation of the Hate-Motivated Behavior Checklist. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38(7-8), 5638-5660.

Cramer, R.J., Kehn, A., Sorby, M., Nobles, M.R., Long, M.M., Marsden, J., Deitle, C., Griffin, S.M., King, A., Smart, S., & Fording, R.C. (2021). Development and psychometric properties of the Hate-Motivated Behavior Checklist (HMBC). Criminal Justice and Behavior, 48(11), 1652-1673.

Healthcare Competency Assessment Form – Sexual and Gender Minority (HCAF-SGM)

Healthcare Competency Assessment Form – Sexual and Gender Minority (PDF)

Associated Articles:

Wilsey, C.N., Cramer, R.J., Mishoe, S.C., Golom, F.D., Bennington, L.K., Casey, C.F., & Van Lunen, B. (In Press). Development and initial validation of a sexual and gender minority competency-based survey for health service professionals. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry.

Military Suicide Attitudes Questionnaire-Short Form

Military Suicide Attitudes Questionnaire-Short Form (PDF)

Associated Articles:

Cramer, R.J., Montanaro, E., VanSickle, M., Cacace, S., Zabelski, S., Smith, E.L., Franks, M., Grover, S., & Cunningham, C.A. (2022). A psychometric assessment of the Military Suicide Attitudes Questionnaire (MSAQ). Psychiatry Research317, 114849.

Suicide Competency Assessment Form & Suicide Competency Assessment Form-Revised (SCAF & SCAF-R)

Suicide Competency Assessment Form (PDF)

Suicide Competency Assessment Form-Revised (PDF)

Associated Articles:

Cramer, R. J., Hawgood, J., Kaniuka, A. R., Brooks, B., & Baker, J. C. (2023). Updated suicide prevention core competencies for mental health professionals: Implications for training, research, and practice. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice. Advance online publication.

Cramer, R.J., Ireland, J.L., Long, M.M., Hartley, V., & Lamis, D.A. (2020). Initial validation of the SuicideCompetency Assessment Form among behavioral health staff in the National Health Services (NHS) Trust. Archives of Suicide Research, 24, S136-S149.

Cramer, R.J., Johnson, S.M., McLaughlin, J., Rausch, E.M., & Conroy, M.A. (2013). Suicide risk assessment for psychology doctoral programs: Core competencies and a framework for training. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 7(1), 1-11.


Interprofessional Suicide Prevention Training

Cramer, R.J., La Guardia, A., & Wright-Berryman, J. (2020). Interprofessional Education Suicide Prevention: A Training Program for Health Professions Students. Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation.

Supporting Articles:

La Guardia, A., Wright-Berryman, J., Cramer, R.J., Kaniuka, A.R., & Adams Tufts, K. (2022). Interprofessional suicide prevention education: Training Insights from a course disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Crisis43(6), 531–538.

Cramer, R.J., La Guardia, A.C., Wright-Berryman, J., Long, M.M., & Adams Tufts, K. (2019). Integrating interprofessional education into suicide prevention training: Results from a pilot evaluation. Social Work in Public Health, 34, 628-636.

Core Competency Model of Suicide Assessment, Management, and Prevention

Cramer, R.J. (2017). The Core Competency Model of Suicide Assessment, Management, and Prevention. ConCEpt Training, Palo Alto University.  

Supporting Article:

Cramer, R.J., Long, M.M., Zapf, P.A., & Gordon, E. (2019). Preliminary effectiveness of an online-mediated competency-based suicide prevention training program. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 50(6), 395-406.